EyA was the winner of the “Premio Innovazione of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia” in the non-profit and public institutions category (2007/2008).
- Il Piccolo [ Newspaper from Trieste] (in Italian): 7 Feb - 8 Feb - 11 Feb 2008
- Messaggero Veneto [ Newspaper from Fruili] (in Italian): 8 Feb 2008
Papers on EyA
- “Supporting Science in Developing Countries using Open Technologies“
- European Journals of Physics 30 (2009) 651-660. - “One year of ICTP diploma courses on-line using the automated EyA recording system“ - Computers & Education 53 (2009) 183-188.
- “Tecnologia EyA: Uma Ferramenta para Produção e Difusão Automatizada de Aulas Digitais na Web” - Novas Tecnologias na Educação, Vol.6, No.2, Dec 2008.
- “Academic Webcasting using the Automated EyA Recording System” - Proceedings Conference: INTED-International Technology, Education and Development, Valencia/Spain, March 2008.
- “Open Webcasting: Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge” - Information for Development (i4d) Magazine, pp. 18-19, Feb 2008.
- “The Video Revolution Made Simple” - PhysicsWorld Magazine, pp. 14, Dec 2007.
- “Come Registrare Automaticamente e Pubblicare in Internet Conferenze e Lezioni e Raggiungere un Milione di Scienziati” - DE QUALITATE: Rivista Italiana della Qualita’, n.10, anno XVI, pp. 26-32, Nov 2007.
- “EyA System: Automated Audio-Video-Slide Recordings” - Proceedings Conference: ICL-Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Villach/Austria, Sept 2007.
- “Webcasting of Traditional Chalkboard Lectures: The EyA System” - EURODL European Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Sept 2007
Presentations on EyA
Some public presentations (seminars, talks, conferences, posters, etc) on the, motivation, technologies and strategies adopted for EyA:
- March 2009 (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) dell’Universita’ Ca’ Foscari, Venezia): “(open)EyA - Enhance your Audience”
- Dec 2008 (XII Palestras sobre Novas Tecnologias na Educação, Porto Alegre, Brazil):
- “Tecnologia EyA: Uma Ferramenta para Produção e Difusão Automatizada de Aulas Digitais na Web” [ PDF with Waldir Roque, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ]
- July 2008 (Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination, Trieste):
- “Open Academic Webcasting with ICTP EyA System” [ PDF ] -View Seminar:
- “Open Academic Webcasting with ICTP EyA System” [ PDF ] -View Seminar:
- Dec 2007 (Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Science Dissemination, Trieste):
- “EyA Automated Recording System: Overview of Digital Lectures at ICTP” [ PDF ]
- Oct 2007 (Comunicare Fisica 07, Trieste):
- “… e se 1.000.000 scienziati assistessero al tuo seminario scientifico?” [ PDF ] (in Italian)
- Sept 2007 (ICL- Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Villach, Austria):
- “EyA System: Automated Audio-Video-Slide Recordings” [ PDF ]
- June 2007 (WWDC07 - Apple Developers Conference, USA):
- “EyA: Enhance your Conference Audience using Apple Technologies” [ Poster: PDF ]
- May 2007 (FEST -International Science Media Fair, Trieste):
- “… e se 1.000.000 scienziati assistessero al tuo seminario scientifico?” (in Italian) -View Seminar:
- “… e se 1.000.000 scienziati assistessero al tuo seminario scientifico?” (in Italian) -View Seminar:
- March 2007 (ICTP Seminar):
- “ICTP Research on Digital Lectures: Your Talks Delivered to a Million Scientists” [ PDF ]
- May 2006 (ICTP Seminar):
- “Prototype of a Live Broadcasting System and Its Possible Use for the ICTP Diploma Course” [ PDF ]
Conferences on EyA Technologies
- Trieste, Italy, 12—16 October 2009
- Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access and Dissemination
- Trieste, Italy, 7—16 July 2008
- Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination
- Trieste, Italy, 3—11 December 2007
- Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Science Dissemination