openEyA: automated recording system
The project has been closed and discontinued since 2017! You can still Download the Source Code of openEyA -this software is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.
openEyA runs using HTML5 with a simple user interface and mp4 video format with synchronized photos -we invite you to test the latest version with these features! There are binaries available for Linux Ubuntu for PCs and UbuntuMate for Raspberry Pi.DOWNLOAD openEyA: binaries
How it works? - User interface:
openEyA allows to archive and share (via web, zip) traditional scientific lectures and talks carried out using, for example, chalkboards in classrooms and/or using modern presentations (PPT, PDF, animations, etc). All of this is done using a low-cost Netbook and with just one click! … read more
You can now synchronize audio-video with zoomable images/slides taken from screen captures or using any webcam (including High Definition HD-Webcams !) Learn how to improve the focus.
- Screen grab (openEyA-lite): to capture automatically your computer screen (i.e., grab slides done with PPT, PDF or any other digital presentation) from the same computer in which
is installed and synchronize them with video; You can give and project a seminar/lecture while recording it! Aternatively, you can easily record self-seminars, i.e., your own lectures, views, etc. which you can then share with your students and audience via web or through a zip file.
Example openEyA-lite recording with screen capture
- USB Webcam (high resolution, Linux compatible UVC Driver): to take pictures and zoom in over specific areas of a classroom podium, blackboard or a projected screen.
Example openEyA-webcam recording using traditional chalkboard only
A key issue to carry out massive digital lectures recordings (besides to store, manage and share them), is to automate as much as possible the production and post-production processes to pull down all the costs. openEyA satisfies all these requirements in a way that has yet no similar.